This article is more like quick HOWTO/QuickNote page to start using Terraform with GCP, grant required permission, connect Terraform to GSuite and create users and projects using Terraform.
Connect Terraform to GCP:
1. Download and install Google Cloud SDK:
2. Initialize SDK gcloud init
This process will launch browser-based authorization flow
3. Use browser to create project, service account and download credentials: Note: You need to have GCP billing account and payment method configured first. You can use cli as well:
gcloud projects list
gcloud beta billing accounts list
gcloud beta billing projects link infosec-gcp --billing-account 01122-74525-1222
gcloud config list
gcloud iam service-accounts create infosec-terraform --display-name "Infosec Terraform admin account"
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/.config/gcloud/infosec-terraform-admin.json --iam-account
4. Give appropriate permissions to the Terraform:
get you organization id
gcloud organizations list
Enable iam api (yes you need to enable each api set you are planning to use with GCP, they are disabled by default) you can check what services are enabled using gcloud services list --available
gcloud services enable
Check existing IAM policies in you org:
gcloud organizations get-iam-policy ORGANIZATION_ID
Grant all required permissions(example):
gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding ORGANIZATION_ID --member --role roles/resourcemanager.projectCreator
gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding ORGANIZATION_ID --member --role roles/billing.user
gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding ORGANIZATION_ID --member --role roles/owner
5. Start using terraform from my example to create project and grant access to it.
The only missing part is actually users.
Connecting Terraform to GSuite:
Why do we need GSuite at all? GCP does not provide you any built-in identity and rely on the user identities from Gmail, GSuite or Google Cloud Identity (+ service accounts)
As AWS user I do really love to have user/groups management and infra/project creation using the same automation tool. Unfortunately, user/GSuite functionality is not provided by GCP Terraform provider. Luckily, there is pretty nice open-sourced Terraform provider for GSuite writtend by DeviaVir:
At the moment when I tested it, some group membership functionality was still lacking idempotency, but using the way from my example everything started to work like a charm.
So the code finally:
Way more details and examples are in the articles below :
Connect Terraform to GCP:
1. Download and install Google Cloud SDK:
2. Initialize SDK gcloud init
This process will launch browser-based authorization flow
3. Use browser to create project, service account and download credentials: Note: You need to have GCP billing account and payment method configured first. You can use cli as well:
gcloud projects list
gcloud beta billing accounts list
gcloud beta billing projects link infosec-gcp --billing-account 01122-74525-1222
gcloud config list
gcloud iam service-accounts create infosec-terraform --display-name "Infosec Terraform admin account"
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/.config/gcloud/infosec-terraform-admin.json --iam-account
4. Give appropriate permissions to the Terraform:
get you organization id
gcloud organizations list
Enable iam api (yes you need to enable each api set you are planning to use with GCP, they are disabled by default) you can check what services are enabled using gcloud services list --available
gcloud services enable
Check existing IAM policies in you org:
gcloud organizations get-iam-policy ORGANIZATION_ID
Grant all required permissions(example):
gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding ORGANIZATION_ID --member --role roles/resourcemanager.projectCreator
gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding ORGANIZATION_ID --member --role roles/billing.user
gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding ORGANIZATION_ID --member --role roles/owner
5. Start using terraform from my example to create project and grant access to it.
The only missing part is actually users.
Connecting Terraform to GSuite:
Why do we need GSuite at all? GCP does not provide you any built-in identity and rely on the user identities from Gmail, GSuite or Google Cloud Identity (+ service accounts)
As AWS user I do really love to have user/groups management and infra/project creation using the same automation tool. Unfortunately, user/GSuite functionality is not provided by GCP Terraform provider. Luckily, there is pretty nice open-sourced Terraform provider for GSuite writtend by DeviaVir:
At the moment when I tested it, some group membership functionality was still lacking idempotency, but using the way from my example everything started to work like a charm.
So the code finally:
Way more details and examples are in the articles below :