Thursday, March 30, 2017

Trailing dot in DNS name, incorrect S3 website endpoint work and possible back-end information leak

I discovered that AWS S3 website endpoint incorrectly interpret trailing dot (which is actually essential part of FQDN according to RFC1034 ) in the website FQDN. 
Instead of referring to the correct bucket endpoint gives "No such bucket error" revealing information about web site back-end. 
I have not considered this initially as a security issue more as a misconfiguration or even expected undocumented behaviour , but found one case that could lead to others:

If web site use 3rd party DDOS and WAF protection service like CloudFlare this technic(adding trailing dot ) could reveal and expose web-site origin. 

Example of the possible information disclose below:

Dns name resolution pointing to the CloudFlare:

 dot error pointing to S3 bucket back-end with rest of information pointing to CloudFlare:

PS. One of the possible usage of the s3 back-end information leak could be  s3 backet name squatting to block possible sub-domain usage due to the uniqueness of the s3 bucket names.